Genesis 4:16-17
"Then Cain went away from the presence of the LORD and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. When he built a city, he called the name of the city after the name of his son, Enoch."
Cain was the son of the world's first couple, Adam & Eve. So, this passage begs to question, who did Cain marry?
My Bible teacher told me that it is questions like this that we just shouldn't ask. She said it's questions like these that destroy Christianity. I beg to differ.
Firstly, there are 3 possible answers to the question: 1) Cain married his sister, which would have been acceptable at the time, 2) Cain could have married his niece since there's no time frame on this passage and we don't know about his other siblings, or 3) God created more people after Adam & Eve. Most people believe the first option is best, but the question is never addressed in the Bible.
Secondly, the point of my writing, is that no question we have can destroy Christianity. Christ tells us in John 16:33 that he has overcome the world. There is no question that the world has that can take down Christianity. The Bible has been criticized and destroyed more than any other book in the world, yet it is continually found to be faultless. Skeptics would like you to believe that questions like "Who did Cain marry?" can single-handedly discredit the Bible, but that's simply not true because there's always an answer.
Thirdly, never stop asking questions. If you find something in the Bible that you don't understand, don't overlook it. Read more in context, research it, or talk to someone who can help you. Not only that, but when you don't understand what someone says, whether it be a preacher, teacher, or friend, ask questions and look for answers in the Bible. Don't be led astray by false confidence! We worship a God of peace, not of confusion. God doesn't want us to blindly believe in his word without understanding what it means or not truly believing what it says. If we learn to understand what the Bible says and we are able to see that God is the answer to all our questions, our love for him and reliance upon him is exponentially increased and our faith is renewed.
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