Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Do It

This week's Verse of the Week is Micah 6:8, which says,

"He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?"

So, God requires 3 things from us:
1) Do Justice
2) Love Kindness
3) Walk Humbly with God

Do we?

Is this picture of a child soldier justice? Is the neglect of widows justice? The bible tells us to specifically take care of these groups (James 1:27), but these groups, among innumerable others, are the focus of genocide, torture, exploitation, and various manipulations. Despite this, we don't give these people a second thought. We don't even pray for them. When is the last time you heard someone pray for an end to injustice. When is the last time you did something to alleviate injustice where you are?
Do you love kindness? Would you do anything to show kindness? When you pass a homeless person do you offer them what you have an abundance of or do you assume that they are psychotic or addicted and pass them by like they are diseased? Isn't that the same story as the "Good Samaritan" ? What makes them different from you? They are just as lost as you were before you found Christ and have the same chances of making it to heaven as you do. Each person on this earth was fearfully and wonderfully made by an almighty God with a specific purpose.
Is the picture above an image of a church walking humbly with God? Our "American Dream" has transformed our churches. What used to rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit can simply not function without the biggest, brightest, newest, most comfortable luxuries in their buildings. Does this image generate glory to God or glory to man?

I challenge you to pray for an end to injustice and to boldly act in the name of what is just. I dare you to fall in love with kindness to the point that you can't function without it. I urge you to focus on the power of the Holy Spirit rather than the power in numbers, presentations, or "feel good" messages.

God has called us to do these things. Let's do them.

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