Monday, March 21, 2011

The "Walking on Water" Experience

The Jesus Lizard (yes, that's its real name)

Matthew 14 tells the story of Jesus walking on water. We say this and pass it off, but if you really think about it, it's miraculous. It's incredible. It's supernatural.
But there's more.
Peter decided that he too wanted to walk on water. Jesus invited him out there on the stormy waters. Peter was walking on water! To those of you who say that like it's no big deal, I ask you to go take a step off a nearby diving board and see how long you stay above water. Peter was locked in on Jesus. He was focused and concentrating. But then...he got distracted. The waves were roaring, lightning was flashing, it was dark outside...all very distracting. He took his eyes off Jesus. He took his eyes off what was important. Then he sunk.
Aren't we just the same? We have "walking on water" experiences where we feel like nothing can stop us. Then we get in situations where the storms are raging all around us and we know that we could fall any second. We start focusing on ourselves more than we focus on Christ. Then we start sinking. Sometimes it's quick and sometimes it happens gradually. Sometimes we don't realize that we're drowning until we're sitting at the bottom of the ocean. But that's not the end.
When Peter was sinking, he called out for Christ, and Jesus immediately extended his hand and pulled him to safety. We can worship a God of second chances who will never let us sink if we rely upon him.
So, if you're amid the storms of life, remember to keep your eyes on Christ, the ultimate lifesaver.

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