Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Honduras: Day 1: The Arrival

Yes, I'm cheating a bit. I've been back frrom Honduras for a while, but I wanted to write about it anyway, so I'm recapping what I wrote in my journals. So, just pretend that I'm there...

I always like to dedicate my trip to someone that has passed, so if they happen to be looking down and see me, they can see the impact that they continue to have. Last year I dedicated my mission to the memory of Micky Bell, my former preacher, servant of God, and minister to the people of Guyana. This year my mission is in honor of George Lance, a fellow believer, friend, and supporter of the worldwide mission for Christ.

Today may have been the longest day of my life. I woke up at 2:45 am to get to the airport at 4:30, only to be delayed until 7:30. Brian, my friend and first-time flyer, was borderline having a panic attack. After a quick flight from Nashville to Atlanta we stepped off the plane and all 15 of us sprinted to our plane, which was boarding about the time we stepped off the first plane. After dealing with some unhappy airline attendants and catching our breath, we sat on the plane for 2 hours dealing with maintanence issues. When we left Nashville it was 40 degrees and when we stepped off the plane in Honduras it was around 103. We grabbed our bags then hit the road for our long drive from San Pedro Sula to Las Varas. When I stepped out of the bus I started sweating and haven't stopped yet. I took a freezing shower, which alleviated by sweatiness for approximately 2.7 minutes. Now it has been about 24 hours since I woke up.

Seeing Honduras again is so surreal. It just doesn't click with me. This is a world that I separate myself from just to look at, but I can't, because it's my world too. So, this week I have 2 primary questions (I'm sure there will be more). 1) Is poverty relative and can people be happy in it? 2) How do you stop looking at people like they're in a museum and start realizing that they're real human beings who fight the same battles I do each day?

The Cristo Salva Mission Sanctuary (storage, some beds, & showers)

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